Rural Living 4 kilometres from Humpty Doo Shopping Centre and Schools
- 4.3 km from Humpty Doo Town Centre
- 4.6 km from Humpty Doo Primary School
- 5.1 km from Freds Pass Reserve
- 5.6 km from Bees Creek Primary School
- 7.1 km from Noonamah
- 5.2 km from Taminmin College
- 6.9 km from Woolworths Coolalinga
- 7.4 km from Coolalinga Central Shopping Village
- 16.2 km from Palmerston city
- 34.9 km from Darwin city via Stuart Hwy/Tiger Brennan Dve
Millar Road Entrance (from Darwin/Palmerston) – 850 metres past the Arnhem Highway turnoff, turn left from the Stuart Highway into Millar Road.
Strangways Road Entrance (from Arnhem Hwy/Humpty Doo town centre) – turn into Freds Pass Road then right onto Strangways Road; follow it to the end into Risk Road.